Where Internet Security Collapses
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Rowhammer team was born in 2009. when two of computer enthusiasts and coders, Controller91 and Xiomu (their online names) decided to register their brand hacking name called "Rowhammer" which is contained of their first parts of their code names: (Con' e' Xio'). At first they were executing hacking services on some popular forum boards like HackForums.net, EvilZone, CrackHackForum and also other webmaster ones like BlackHatWorld, WarriorForum and such. After they gained popularity and became known in online world, they registered this website and now taking orders from here.
It wasn't easy road to get to this point. Nowadays it's such big competition everywhere to become popular, like in every other skill it's same in hacking world. It took us years and years of practicing and performing all of it's sub-techniques like web developing, programming applications, investigating databases like SQL and such. Learning how to make video games, because many customers are asking us to find some games crack files or to break it's official database to gain serial activation key and such. So exactly you need to know all of technology world like in small finger to do this kind of job. It took us really long but today it's paying off to us. And still we can't say our knowledge is final, because hacking like any other skill is never endless. There is always something new which is produced, so you can always learn more and expand your knowledge.
One day we plan to stop and shout down our service, because this is kind of job you can't do for whole life, because someone can always bust you (The one who is more skilled then us, there is always someone stronger then strongest.) and then you go to jail. So while we are still available, hurry up and order your desired hacking request now!
© 2023. Rowhammer Team